Hang on to a dream: Catering for 300 and more!
So, the wife and I have been contracted to cook bbq at a Democratic Presidential fundraiser for 300 in the Hamptons in early August. This is one of the largest and most exciting gigs we've been offered and I have to thank my friends from the BBQ-Brethren that have stepped up and offered to help. You guys rock. I'm touched that most volunteered to help without even being asked.
Also, since the event is on a friday, these folks are willing to take off from work to help us-- and we need all the hands we can get. We went from being shorthanded to having the help we need.
The menu is chicken, ribs and pulled pork. The event planning company that hired us is taking care of the sides. This event is sort of a pool party barbecue-- probably no swimming-- and a chance for the candidate to let her hair down and mingle with the people. Apparently, some of the hipper and younger nightclub owners from out there will be there and it is a chance for the candidate to connect with some of her potential younger voters.
Unfortunately, we cannot release the candidate's name.
Hey Matt!
Let me be the first to congratulate on the big gig. Sounds like a lot of work, but I'm sure you'll have fun and kick some ass as well. I only wish I had the funds to fly in and lend a hand too. Here's hoping we get to cook something up together again sooner rather than later.
Keep your spirits up Bro, you are in our thoughts.
Left Coast Loonies
Congrats Matt,
I wish you all the best on your big day.
Good work on this gig. I live in Amagansett, and Fridays are tough to get off, but, if yer still in need of capable hands (FCI grad, ex-CIA employee, BBQ fanatic {chargriller offset, countless webers}), I could see coming down w/a slight case of bbq fever.
pvt msg me on bbq brethren if needed....
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