Double Shot: Emeril Live at Red Hook Ballfields 7/14

Photo: Joe Fornabaio from NY Times
Grub Street has a fantastic video of Josh Ozersky and Aaron Sanchez (of Paladar and Centrico fame) touring the food stalls RIGHT HERE.
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to inform you that the crew from Food Network's Emeril Live
show will be coming to do a piece on the Food vendors this weekend, Saturday
July 14 from noon to 4pm. I received confirmation this week.
In addition to featuring some of the foods that are most popular of our
affair, the crew informed me that they will be interviewing individuals who
frequent the stalls and enjoy the affair for their opinions on the food and
on what makes the Red Hook Food vendors unique.
I would love to extend a special invitation for you to come to the park on
this date and show your support, as well as hopefully express your opinion
on what you feel makes our affair special to you.
We are very happy about this happening, as it is a welcome shift of
attention from our current situation to what is really most important about
us -great food and good times!
Cesar Fuentes
Executive Director
Food Vendors Committe of Red Hook Park Inc.
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