Last time I went with my gut.....
Things get ugly when I go out on a limb, but it is 6:30pm in NYC (that's Noo Yawk Sitty, for those at home) and I'm saying what I've been saying for a while, John Kerry will be the next president of the USA. Wishful thinking, you say? Perhaps. But it is the feeling I have and the one I'm going with. I can't think of a single good reason why any one would vote for Mr. Chimpy, although I can think of the bad ones.
Vote your conscience, or so they say, but when you're lying in bed, Bush voters, think of the children, the ones who will be fighting the next wars for Bush, your children, their children, your nieces and nephews. I believe you can be a patriot and choose only to fight when there's more of a reason to fight (or a real reason), some greater cause than just being an American and/or a soldier, or a hapless college student who made the mistake of being born at the wrong time and relying on the military to help pay the way. It's an old argument, and it could be an endless one, but will you be able to sleep knowing that he has lied before, and will lie again, with even more dead bodies on his hands? No draft? Uhm, right.......
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