2nd Annual Big Apple BBQ Block Party
Memories from this summer. This was a big 'ol...uhm...block party (I think that pretty much says it) with bbq cookers from Texas (The Salt Lick), North Carolina (Mitchell's), Memphis + Vegas (Mike Mills), Alabama (Chris Lilly), NY (Blue Smoke), Kansas City (Baron of BBQ, Paul Kirk), St. Louis (Smokie O's) and probably more that I've forgotten. The memories of the Baron's brisket still linger. That brisket and the whole hog from Mitchell's were two of the big draws that day.
I'm looking forward to Paul Kirk's R.U.B. BBQ Restaurant opening on 23rd street in New York City this spring...dangerously close to where I work.

Man, that was a great time. Paul Kirk is really cool. I spent a lot of time talking with him. I felt I was learning just being near him.
He offers cooking classes. If I could get one together for Long Island, would you be interetested?
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