Where U Been?: Weekend Bbq and Life in General

4.5 hours later the Wife called to tell me that right after they left us, they stopped to get gas and couldn't get the car to start. They were eventually towed, but the prognosis was not good. Plus, nothing was getting done until Monday. The fuel pump was most likely shot and this was not a super cheap fix. Maybe $600. Bastards.
Well, on Monday, the mechanic told us that two guys called in sick and he was swamped. Call back Tuesday. The Wife stayed over, again, on Monday. Tuesday morning, and nearly a thousand dollars later, we got the car back. Yes foiks, about $900. MotherF******s!
Lindy's Car Service, by the way, out of Montauk (I think) will service East Hampton and they f'ng rock. They couldn't pick me up Sunday night, but they continually called other places until he found someone that could. Thanks!
For foods we made Pastrami, which was smoked and then steamed, a pork shoulder, a dozen or so chicken thighs with a new baste that is awesome(!), three racks of baby back ribs and a bunch of smoked cheddar and fresh mozzarella, which was smoked over a small fire of hickory and peach for about 4 hours. We shot for keeping the fire temperature at 80 degrees or below for the cheese, and it was about 12 degrees with the wind outside. We also cooked up some biscuits to map out the hotspots on the cooker again, and it is remarkably even all the way except for the first 10 inches closest to the fire which, of course, is the hottest.
Here're some chow pictures. Click the pics to make 'em grow up big and strong.

That lower left photo has me salivating. I'm inspired!
You aint helping my new no BBQ diet. STOP IT.
Thanks, Gary! I'm glad I can inspire with my pastrami. I live to give...
Hey there, Anon! When are we getting together to bust our diets....?
Did you eat the cheese on the biscuits with the Willie B.'s spread?
I haven't tried smoking cheese yet, but I should with temps this low in Battle Creek MI
Looks good Chef!
Thanks, Manfred! Didn't put the willy b's w/ the cheese, but did have some pastrami and eggs w/ the cheese on biscuits and it sure were tasty.
You should give the cold smoking a shot, I have a friend Bill in Illinois who taught me everything I know....a real Jedi he is....
oh man! Sorry about the vehicle. Sometimes they seem to be more bother than they are worth. I hope all is well now. I'm sure all of that wonderful looking food help dull the pain just a bit.
I'm guessing this episode may have put the final nail in the coffin that holds our hope of you guys being able to meet up with us in VT, eh? Don't worry, there will be other (hopefully longer) trips to the east for us. Next time I'm pushing for a NYC final destination. It has been too long since I have been there to run wild in the streets. Talk with you soon Smokey.
Thanks for the sympathy, Timo. Yup, I think this officially takes that trip off the calendar. You definitely have to bring the fam to NYC so we can hit the new location of Shopsins and have some mac n cheese pancakes....
smoked fresh mozz?? biscuits on the grill??
you ARE a god!
we had to do the fuel pump deal last year...car died twice, two repairs later it was done and for lots more to fix it than what you paid. i totally sympathize
Hi Backyard Chef
carnealfuoco.it - il piacere del barbecue
Glad you like my smoked biscuit invention BYC
Hiya Kate...thanks again for the kind words. I find your stuff pretty inspirational too! We're always looking for something new to put on the pit-- I've got a post about some smoke dried apple slices coming up....
Carne Al Fuoco-- Italy is a dream to me....Such fine food and beauty. Someday I will visit...Keep coming back to visit me, though!
Billinois, what can I say? The force is strong within you. And the biscuits were great. Thank you!
Not a problem.
Would you like my Frito Pie recipe?
The smoker is cool, and the food looks awesome. But CAT STEVENS??????? C'mon, how could you even think that song/artist is anywhere near right for smoking' a few slabs of ribs, a shoulder, or a brisket or two? Try a little George Straight, George jones, or Buddy Holly!
Also, try throwing some red bells in the smoker for about two hours, close to the heat source, and then put in a brown bag for 15 minutes, skin and seed, and serve them with some mozzarella that you've smoked for a few minutes. A little balsamic .. heaven. But not with Cat Stevens -(
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