Double-Double Your Refreshment: A Friday twofer
The rare double post today makes this a good friday, indeed.
Now that my friends at Grub Street have let the cat out of the bag, I can let you know that my friend, Andrew Fischel, of RUB BBQ is in the works to open a bigger, shinier more Vegas version of his RUB restaurant in.....uh....Vegas.
The restaurant is slated to open this summer at The Rio and will be a bigger, more open and colorful version of the restaurant, complete with rotisserie show pits that will most likely carry some piggies on their back. This sounds like the first of many collaborations between Harrah's and Fischel, and I wish them the best with them all.
No word on a new pitmaster (or comment from Paul Kirk who is the bbq mastermind behind the scenes), but I hope Scott stays in NY with us. He's a great cook and a super-cool gentleman.
Also, here's a look at the flashy new sign that the NY outpost has just erected....

Great story BYC.
I can't wait till he opens in Vegas, hopefully before I see one of my last Celine Dion concerts as she is closing out at the end of the year.
Oh, and nice bike.
Thanks, Paul...I can imagine you liking the glitz of vegas...
When Celine is gone, I will be inconsolable. I hope Barry Mannilow and Elton don't leave, too....Maybe Clay Aiken will get his own theatre....
I hear Liza knows good Q, and she's hot!
Thanks, Celia! If I'm ever in Amsterdam, I'll look you up.
We....uh...we, um....we smoke barbecue around here. Snicker...giggle. Someone pass the fiddle faddle, man....
Well, I guess if a blog is going to get Spammed, its better to get a good price on a nice bong then extending your penis another 3 inches.
I mean, after the first 24 inches, does another 3 really make a difference?
And she only likes the colors because she is high.
You'd be surprised what a few extra inches can do, Fred....
Three inches? I had more then that when I was born.
Good luck to RUB - Vegas can be a tough town
With the expiration of a key patent, sportsbook
major gas grill manufacturers, including market leader Char-Broil, have scrambled to bring infrared cooking to the masses with models in the $500 to $1,000 range. Previously, such grills cost as much as $5,000. "Infrared is really hot," bet nfl said Leslie Wheeler, a spokeswoman for the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association, an industry group in Arlington, Va. "They're great for searing and then either you turn it down or move over to another burner for cooking."
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