A Quack-Quack Here: Home-Cured Duck Prosciutto
I followed the recipe in Michael Ruhlman and Brian Polcyn's Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking and Curing.

When done it will lose about 30% of the original weight and will be denser, but not like jerky. The color will be a deep rich crimson and when sliced quite thinly, will be a beautiful red. This was Magret Duck Breast from D'artagnan. Here's a photo of the finished product sliced. I wish I had a nice deli slicer at home....

So is that the finished product or just a tease?
That is the finished Prosciutto...I will show you what I'm doing with it in a subsequent post....after I figure out what I'm doing with it...LOL....! I have a few idears (sic)....
Hi I came across your web site after checking out White Trash BBQ. I think that it would be mutually beneficial to set up a link exchange between the your site mine is located @ bbqislandsupply.com. Thanks for your time I hope to here from you.
Looks wonderful. Great reading your post as well.
Is, or rather, was that Mary's duck?
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