Sick to Move: Tears, tonics and tummies...
I am sick...sick....sick. I can't move, or can but refuse. The Wife put the laptop next to me this morning when she went to work, and I only just flipped it open. Everything hurts-- shooting pain down my arms and pulled muscle sting in my chest.
I hadn't felt quite right all day yesterday and then at 7pm, my body began rejecting the little bit of fuel that I had put in it during the day-- a blt, an orange juice and some coffee/water/energy drink...stuff was exiting my body anywhere it could-- all at the same time. Ultimately, even water with ice chips in it wouldn't even stay down. I was so dehydrated that my lips chapped instantly. This intense phase lasted 10 hours straight. If I managed to sleep, it was only brief spells punctuated with urgent dashes to the bathroom or for the bucket beside the bed.
I hate to be too graphic about this, but in several instances, there wasn't time to grab the bucket. Suffice to say that The Wife slept in another room. There were/are no comfortable positions-- everything is sore/achey/tender....I'm not too strong to cry...
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