What's New Pussycat?: Recent Eatings and whatnot
Hey kiddos!
We're moving into our restaurant space slowly but surely. Yesterday was my first full day in the space and we started receiving deliveries. Construction is still hot and heavy, but maybe we can cook by the end of the week.
Meanwhile, here're some recent eatings from home.
Ponzu and Ginger Grilled Pork Chops with Red Coconut and Roasted Potato.
While the chops marinated I roasted the potatoes and made the coconut sauce which had shallot, ginger, lime peel, garlic, mexican chile powder, white pepper, sea salt, drained/diced tomatoes and jalapeno, 5-spice, chives, and yellow pepper. I first added the tomato and pepper after sauteing the other aromatics, then the coconut milk. I simmered everything, passed it through the chinois and reduced it a bit more before adding the chives. The last piece was a pat of lime butter just before serving.

Damn. Nice looking eats there my friend. By yellow pepper, do you mean a yellow bell pepper or some sort of dried yellow pepper?
Thanks, WTBBQ! It was just a normal yellow bell pepper-- no peruvian aji or anything like that. If I'd had it, lemongrass would have been a nice addition...I would love to have some Kefir lime leaves, too....just haven't had a chance to do fun shoppping in a while....
Hope you're feeling better....
So if it was a regular old yellow beer pepper, why not leave in some chucks of vegetables? Or for that matter chunks of any of the vegetables besides the chives? Of course with all that reducing the vegetables may not have had any structure left to them.
I'm not criticizing, just wondering, in a a good way, about the mindset that created this dish. If I have a choice I prefer sauces that have some texture to them instead of just the smooth liquid.
But damn it looks good and sounds great. I'm gonna have to get me some Thai food soon.
congrats on the opening! i've been reading nothing but good things already!!!
Matt, Congrats on Wildwood. Ate there Friday night, your first day open to the public I hear. Great chili,ribs and a cute server at the bar. She kept my glass full of beer and knew what to order for dessert, too. Your friend, Big H.
We would like to feature this recipe on our blog. Please email sophiekiblogger@gmail.com if interested. Thanks :)
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