Welcome to the Working Week
Welcome back, everyone. I hope you had a relaxing long weekend. The weather was right for it.
The article in which we were featured ran in the Daily News on Sunday. It was called Crazy for 'Cue and should be accessed by clicking the title, but if you have problems with that, cut and paste this into your browser: http://tinyurl.com/79t58 Our photo isn't there, but the article is. I'll try and get the image scanned and posted soon.
Anywho, we wound up staying around the city after all, but that didn't stop us from cooking up a storm and making the most of it all. Saturday, we power walked the neighborhood as the first step in a potentially misguided plan to get in shape. The best part was finding a brand new supermarket that is about 5 minutes from our apartment. Amy was dismayed, however, that in the middle of our exercise routine, I power walked to the buther counter and picked up two super-fatty corned beef points. She seemed to think that it ran counter to our mission. Go figure.
Saturday night, we went to the Stain Wine Bar in Williamsburg and watched our friend Inyang Bassey sing with her band The Ex-Caminos outside in the back patio. Great night for it. Their sound is an awesome mix of soul, reggae, funk and blues, put together with outstanding musicianship and chemsitry. Check them out when you can. There are sound samples on their site, too.
Sunday, I took those corned beef points and rubbed them up with a black pepper, szechuan pepper and coriander crust, smoked them on the stovetop over oak, hickory and cherry dust, then wrapped them in foil and baked them in the oven for about 2.5 hours at 250 to make my first pastrami ever. It was awesome, though next time, I'll definitely soak the corned beef-- it was a bit salty, and I'm torn, but think I'll trim the fat a little, though it pains me to say that. It was delish, though, and I ate nearly two pounds of it with my brother, as we stood over the steaming meat fresh from the oven vowing, "one more slice, and then that's it, for real." This, of course, was followed by more vows that, "now, this is really the last slice," and so on.
Pastrami prepped and ready for the smoker

Finished product which was "like buttah"

Hampton Smoker,thanks for the comments! I'm jealous you live right near 71 Irving..it's such a pretty area. I love those streets that don't really go THROUGH the entire stretch of Manhattan (a la Broadway or 5th or Park). Thanks for writing...I will definitely be checking out your blog more often. Hey, I just had some of my dad's homemade pork 'cue for dinner, it was leftovers, but still awesome!
Mona, thanks for stopping by. I wish I did live in that Gramercy Park area-- I just work over there. It's a lovely part of the city though.
Sounds like your dad knows what he's doing when it comes to the 'cue. Maybe you could send some my way....?
Thanks, Taztamer. I appreciate the support. To be honest, Amy is pretty giving with the rewards, so I can't complain. The look she gave me when I reached for those corned beefs was priceless-- a mixture of awe, disappointment and love. Can't beat it...Good luck-- and don't forget to give yourself some praise, too....
Ha, I misread your post...you WORK around there. Well not a bad place to be work-wise either I guess :)
Am linking to your site!
Will look into sending some of Cosmo's 'cue your way!
The funny thing about that is that when I first wrote that I thought I typed 'live', but it was work...Wish I lived there-- the park is so nice...as is the greenmarket in Union Square....
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