Monday Morning Coming Down: Block Party Round-Up's the next installment from my weekend of cooking with the Hill Country NY crew for the Big Apple BBQ Block Party. I wish I could mention all of the wonderful people that I met this weekend by name, but there were just too many. Just about everyone that I talked to was exceptionally gracious and generous in their information and feedback.
The food, of course, was dazzling...Mike Mills' babyback ribs, Ubon's pork sandwich, Ed Mitchell's hog, the sausage and brisket from Southside Market (my personal fave, sorry folks!!!), brisket from the Salt Lick, the Brunswick Stew from Proclamation Stew Crew, babybacks from Rack and Soul who also threw onions on their dying charcoal which was one of the best smells of the weeekend....I could go on....but the drool would kill the keyboard.
Chris Lilly of Big Bob Gibson, Andy Campbell of Ubon's, the entire Bracewell family, Mike Mills and Amy Mills Tunnicliffe, Lonnie Moore and the members of the Proclamation Stew Crew, Ed Mitchell, Chris Lilly, Harold Dieterle, Lisa from The Homesick Texan blog, Jeffrey Steingarten, and so many others that I met were just plain gracious and it was at an absolute pleasure and honor to have the opportunity to speak with them all. And for those of you that I met and spoke with whose names are not listed here, I apologize, but I hope you enjoyed the food and the company. I would also like to personally thank the makers of Woodford Reserve bourbon, without which so much of this would not have been possible. If you ever have an interest in some kind of sponsorship or review kind of deal, please think of me. Thank you. Amen.
Here's the rest of the pictures...

Southside took top honors for me as well, though I'm a bit biased. In any case, it was wonderful meeting you, Matt. Thank you so much for the delectable ribs. I'm going to Hill Country on Sunday and I can't wait! And I hope to see you again soon!
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