Walking with Jesus: Dim Sum Birthday and thensome

We went to Oriental Garden on Elizabeth Street. I love that place. They have some wonderfully fresh seafood.

Around the corner from Oriental Garden is New Green Bo, which has some delicious Soup Dumplings. No dice. It was packed. So, we hoofed it across the street to New Yeah Shanghai Deluxe. The dumplings were mouth-scaldingly delicious with a wonderful rush of broth and a generous, flavorful meatball in the center.

Soup Dumplings, which are slightly amber, and Pea Shoot Dumplings. The Pea Shoot dumplings weren't as fresh and peppery as the Shrimp and Pea Shoot dumplings at Oriental Garden, but they were tasty. We really enjoyed the Scallion Pancakes, though Hiroshi later found them "a tad oily." I don't know about that.

Part 2 is next.
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