Judy Is A Punk
So, I mentioned once before that most of the titles of my posts are song titles or lyrics, so I hope that someone out there gets the jokes or connections. Usually the connections are oblique and related to the particular mood that I'm in when I get a chance to do the blogging. My moods are generally all over the map-- I'm one of those leg bouncer, can't sit still kind of people.
Anyway, today, I'm in a pretty feisty mood, and I also feel bad because I turned the comments section on Mona's blog into an episode of the Jerry Springer show for a minute. Yup, I need a vacation. Even the usual bickering about bbq got on my nerves today. Yeesh. On to the food.
Lentil Soup
Since we've been so busy with who-knows-what, here's just a recap of things eaten around our house. I had a leftover Wubby-cooked, double-smoked ham bone that had plenty of meat left on it, so I decided to mix up a huge pot of lentil soup. I used the big ol' pasta pot, 2 packs of plain-old brown lentils, one big and one small onion, 2 carrots, a couple cloves of garlic, the ham and bone, some lemon peel and seasonings. Covered the whole thing with water, 2 cans of chicken broth, and plenty more water. Once it came to a boil, I threw on the lid, lowered the heat way down to gently simmer, and let it cook for a few hours.
I'm a firm believer in layered flavors, so I season and re-season along the way. This had 2 bay leaves, about 2 teaspoons of celery seed, a tablespoon of black pepper, a tablespoon of chicken broth seasoning, and a bunch of whatnot also. I don't really measure and I think once you have the basic soup down, add your favorite spices, that's what cooking's all about-- try some thyme. Anyway, once the lentils are nearly tender, I crack the lid of to the side to let it start to reduce a bit. Continue to stir and check frequently, when you get the consistency you like, it's done.
OOO, I might have to regulate comments myself, eh? Nice touch!!
I'm glad you've overcome this insanity by eatin' some great food! I just had a scone from Alice's teacup-it was fabulous!! Can't wait to get back and try the other flavors.
Hey guy...lentil soup sounds real good right now. it is so cold and dreary here. Glad I can comment again. Why do people gotta be hate'n all the time?
I guess I'll just have to satisfy my hunger with some leftover black bean and smokey tomato tostadas. Yummy, but not lentil soup with slow smoked ham.
Well, back to the house cleaning!
Hey BC, I responded to you on my blog but will respond here as well. Check out foodblogscool.blogspot for my post today, it should help you with the read more option :)
Mona, moderating the comments makes me feel like a babysitter, but if the shoe fits...
That Lentil soup was good-- and timely since I haven't been able to chew for the last few days!
Hey, t. primo-- glad to see you back in the blogosphere...smokey tostadas sound good-- and send some sausage when you can!
Oh! And, Mona, thanks for the info on the blogicizing....You do know that your profile is linked to California eating, right?
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