New look, new thrill, huh? Everything's all flippity-flopped around and stuff. I've thought about using a different background for a little while, and, ta-da! It looks kind of nice with the juicy burnt end above, but everything looks good with a burnt end, I s'pose. I'd like to thank Mona for lending a hand in the valiant effort to make things work with the old template. Your a real fighter, Mona.
Brisket is probably my favorite barbeque 'thing' to eat. This weekend we're cooking two flats, two racks of ribs, some sausage and a couple of chickens. I'm psyched. It's been weeks (or is it month(s)?) since I've had a chance to play with fire, and poppa needs a few hours on the shrink's couch.
Hiroshi and I will probably be on the 8am train with or meats. Don't get dirty on me, y'all. We'll be at the house by noon or so, which means the meat will hit the grates by 2. That gives us time to preheat the pit, pull the membranes off the ribs--which was explained wonderfully at WhiteTrashBBQ--slather and season the ribs, season the chickens and drink a couple of beers.
Oh, I can't wait.
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